Indian author, Jasbir Singh talks on writing ‘Why Does a Man Rape?’

Jasbir Singh is an Indian social justice activist and is soon to be a three-time published author from Jammu and Kashmir, India. In his newest book he has written on controversial topics such as rape, religion and other various social issues.

The book, ‘Why Does a Man Rape?’ comes with a number of controversies — but with that, comes a lot of truth.

From Jasbir Singh’s Instagram.

While the book is still not released, it is currently in the pre-order phase. Singh has been getting some flack for the subject matter in his book, but he still gets a lot of praise and support. He has already received over 10,000 preorders for the book in India, and will soon release it in other markets.

When a book is so controversial — you may wonder why an author decided to write it — so here’s why Singh wrote ‘Why Does a Man Rape?’

In our interview, Singh talks about sexual education in India and what it is like to grow up there. In his book he says,

“Most young people get contradictory and conflicting information about relationships and sex as they pass from childhood to adulthood.”

When asked about what it was like growing up and learning about sexual education, he had this to say;

“Even I didn’t have a lot of information about the sex education during in my childhood, but you know with the passage of time, it’s all about the environment where you live — where you survive. If the environment is not good, if the environment is not appropriate — you will definitely get involved in different — you know the bad things.”

He then went on to talk about orthodox views in India;

“100 years ago, 200 years ago, the things were happening (ways of life), it’s the same things … are happening these days, even in the rural areas.”

What Singh is referencing are orthodox views like marriage — where in some religions in India, a man can marry up to four women, while a woman can only marry one man. There are many other examples — but this is just one.

From Jasbir Singh’s Instagram.

“The environment where I live was totally different, especially In my house because I have an elder sister so it was a different environment because my parents taught me that gender equality should be there … if there are two different genders who are living in the same house, we should give equal respect to each other,” said Singh.

He also mentioned that this value his parents taught him is not in every single house in India — and the goal behind the book is to see this happen as well as to change men’s thinking on women in India, as well as other parts of the world.

If you’d like to checkout Jasbir Singh’s book ‘Why Does a Man Rape?,’ it will be available November 15th, and is currently open for pre-orders in India, but will be available shortly on

More to come from our interview, stay tuned.

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