All cause mortality 2020 – Canada

We have to make a slight correction here – even though we may be crucified metaphorically speaking for doing so. All-cause mortality is slightly up in 2020 compared to previous years – but that doesn’t mean Covid is entirely to blame.

We have shown in the past that all-cause mortality when the population increase has been accounted is marginally more in some months and down in comparison to previous years in other months.

We will now present the more up-to-date data while taking into account population increases and then we will ask some pressing questions.

All-Cause Mortality Canada source: Stats Canada

Total Deaths/Deaths as a percentage of the population

Total Deaths 2018: 283,015 all-cause deaths

Total Population 2018: 37,249,240

Deaths as a percentage of population 2018: 0.76%

Total Deaths 2019: 283,035 all-cause deaths

Total population 2019: 37,802,043

Deaths as a percentage of population 2019: 0.75%

Total Deaths 2020 (until October 3rd week):  241,255 all-cause deaths (incomplete) We arrived at an estimated 301,343 deaths for 2020 (see the data below). It’s important to note it could be more or less than this estimate – we will update figures when they become available.

Total population 2020: 38,008,005

Deaths as a percentage of population 2020: 0.79%

Population data (2020 data incomplete) was sourced from Stats Canada.

Our all-cause mortality (estimate in 2020) is up roughly .04% in comparison to 2018 and 2019. This is important to keep in mind as it puts the current situation into perspective.

Total Covid Deaths to date: 16074 as of Jan 5th, 2021

Below we add in August’s numbers of roughly 26,510 (splits difference on Jan-Feb numbers) for the missing months of November and December plus an additional week gets us a total of:

26,510×2+7068+241,255(1 week) = 301,343 total death estimate for 2020

Minus Covid deaths – 301,343 – 16074 = 285,269 total deaths without Covid

The average age of Covid Deaths

The majority of Covid deaths (70.6%) as of December 18th, 2020 are in the 80+ category. This is important to note as the average life expectancy in Canada is 82 according to the World Bank.

The 70-79 age group follows at 18.5% of all deaths, proceeded by the 60-69 age group at 7.3%.

Average age of Covid cases

The lion’s share of cases come from the 20-29 age group – a group with only 18 deaths – that represents 0.1% of those that died with Covid – not necessarily from it. The next leading group is the under 19 age group. This is likely due to the massive amount of testing in schools over the fear of asymptomatic spread – something that has come into question since a study out of Wuhan, China in November showed only 300 asymptomatic individuals out of the roughly 10 million individuals tested. Zero of those individuals turned out to be infectious to others after they were sent off to a lab to see if they could infect a cell culture.

Article: Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China

In summary

Yes, all-cause mortality is up compared to previous years – but here’s where things get complicated. If you’re familiar with the PCR test being used to diagnose these Covid “cases” and deaths, the validity of the Covid is causing excess deaths argument comes into question.

The PCR test is diagnosing people who aren’t infectious with Covid as Covid positives. Anthony Fauci has pointed out the problems with high cycle thresholds like the ones used in Canada.

In the article we wrote (linked above), the CEBM thats run by the CDC points out that they haven’t been able to culture a virus (prove infectiousness) above 25 cycles – Canada runs their PCR tests at 33-45 (40 in Ontario).

Therefore, it is safe to say that we are diagnosing people as Covid positive and marking them as Covid related deaths as the underlying cause in some cases.

Here’s a short personal story that may illustrate this point further. My wife’s grandmother was in the hospital for non-Covid related reasons and was being tested every day for Covid – if she would’ve tested positive that would have been a Covid death and hospitalization potentially.

Article: Ontario death count includes people who didn’t die of COVID-19, but exactly how many is unknown – Toronto Sun

The only way to know the true effect Covid has had is to examine each coroner’s report for each death and verify the cause of death. We have heard reports of people dying of unrelated causes being marked as Covid deaths – so the true number is not known.

Remember, some cases are marked probable – not confirmed. At Diverge Media we would consider a true positive not a PCR positive test – but rather a lab-confirmed infection that demonstrates the ability to infect another cell culture. This would prove the “positive” that came from a PCR test was truly infectious – and therefore a potential problem to that individual and others.

In addition, anyone with a temperature of 38 and over that has a cough is considered a probable case of Covid – even with a negative test.

On that note you may find this article interesting;

Article: 13 Unexpected Reasons Why You Might Have A Fever – Huffinton Post

Some possible reasons included in the article for having a 38-degree “fever” include; exerting yourself outdoors, travelling to another country, recent vaccination, STI’s, alcohol withdrawal, and certain medications – just to name a few. All of these, if accompanied with a cough (many get a cough in the winter months) can be a probable cause that would pad the case numbers.

We have many reasons that excess mortality would be up in 2020, but here are just a few possibilities;

  1. Increased suicides
  2. Increased anxiety and depression can lead to increased heart attacks
  3. elective surgeries cancelled and people dying while awaiting needed surgeries
  4. In-person doctor appointments are now a rarity so screening processes that would normally catch cancers and other illnesses may not be caught
  5. Possible increased workplace accidents leading to death (depression leads to a higher rate of accidents in workplaces)

Now to be clear, these aren’t answers to the rise in all-cause mortality in 2020 – just probable causes that need to be examined further. As a society, we must resist calling Covid the cause of these deaths in light of our knowledge of the problematic PCR test and our government’s disregard for the mental health and general well-being of Canadians outside of Covid.

We must examine the cause and effect of our lockdown measures and Covid protocols (social distancing, isolation etc) and consider that the same policies meant to protect us – may be leading to a higher all-cause mortality.

Lockdowns and isolation have left many feeling hopeless. I recently had a phone call with a friend who told me he felt like he might die before the age of 40 from the stress – that’s the drastic effect these measures have taken on individuals.

We must resist the urge to claim Covid as the culprit and instead examine the problem in its entirety.

We know that PCR tests aren’t reliable in diagnosing illness. Kary Mullis, the creator of the test told us this years ago – but will we listen?

Published by Greg Staley

Greg Staley is a husband and a father to 4 beautiful girls. He is the owner of Diverge Media and takes pride in telling the stories that matter - even if they may be unpopular. In addition to writing, editing, and producing videos and articles for Diverge, Mr. Staley also works full-time on a farm. Mr. Staley is working hard to be able to pursue Diverge Media full-time and wholeheartedly believes that it will become a reality in the near-future with the support of the readers/viewers of Diverge Media.

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