*Opinion* “The Great Reset” World Economic Forum Influence in Canada

By: Greg Staley

Written On: 2021-06-17

Much has been written and said about the “Great Reset” and how Covid-19 is potentially being used as an opportunity to further this agenda. I will take a slightly different approach by discussing a few key themes. First, growth in the global economy in 2019 was its lowest in a decade before Covid-19 came and secondly big investors want to make profits and therefore want to invest in markets that can provide that profit – insert China. I believe these are the reasons behind the push of the “great reset” – not climate change, not equality and not any other (insert virtue signal here) arguments.

Many will be quick to dismiss the World Economic Forum (author of great reset) after all – what influence do they have here in Canada? On that note here is a list of a few current members that highlight the depth of the WEF influence in Canada:

The Great Reset

In speaking about Covid-19, Klaus Schwab, the creator of the World Economic Forum said “the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.”

To be clear, I don’t believe a word Klaus Schwab said – but it sounds nice. I mean if any of these elites believed the crap they peddled they wouldn’t be jetting around to climate conferences all around the world. Perhaps I’m wrong, perhaps they believe they’re a special gift to humanity and therefore they’re exempt from the same things they claim will kill the planet – but I believe they just think they’re better than everyone else.

What I gathered from Mr. Schwab’s quote was that a very wealthy, connected businessman was virtue signalling and saying we have an opportunity (to make money). I don’t believe Mr. Schwab is concerned about opportunities for anyone but himself. Because of this, I believe that this great reset profits him and his extensive list of partners listed on the WEF website more than any benefits that may be derived for citizens from their government’s participation in such a radical agenda.

World Economic Forum Partners of Interest

Strategic partners of the World Economic Forum of Interest:

According to the WEF, to achieve a better outcome for the world, “every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.” There is certainly no shortage of major corporate entities aligning themselves with the great reset and the WEF vision for a 4th industrial revolution.

The China Opportunity

In 2019, global markets experienced their slowest growth in a decade. That’s why it should be no surprise that investment firms like BlackRock are enamoured with the opportunities investment in China could present them. China lifted their ban on some of the restrictions on foreign investment. BlackRock sees this as “an entirely new investment opportunity – an opportunity that can no longer be ignored.” On that note, BlackRock recently received approval from the China Securities Regulatory Commission and is now the “first global asset manager to run a wholly-owned mutual fund business in China.

This change by China to allow more foreign investment is expected to lead to a major influx in foreign investment – as much as $1.5 trillion over the next decade. With major developed markets all around the world slowing down (economic growth opportunities slow as you become developed), many of those with the money to invest are looking to the world’s second-biggest market to invest in. In my opinion, the slowed economic growth in developed nations is part of the reason why there is a big push on the global stage for more investment in China. I also believe this is why we are seeing attacks on any semblance of pride in one’s nationality in many countries – you can’t have a sense of nationality in your own country while investing heavily in the Chinese economy. That’s like being the owner of the Blue Jays (or shareholder) and betting on the Yankees to win – you just don’t do that if you love your team.

The World Economic Forum is likely among those that will advocate for more trade with China and then call it a necessity of dealing with climate change. Many other corporate entities will indicate through PR campaigns that they’re only investing in China to save the planet to which I say, “I wasn’t born yesterday.” The reality is that the WEF knows that China’s markets present a major economic opportunity as do their partners. Are we to be naïve enough to believe that investment firms, social media companies and others that could profit immensely from the opening of a major economy (china) to foreign investment are only advocating for the great reset (Partners of WEF) out of the goodness of their hearts?

Am I to believe that they just want to save the planet and are willing to sacrifice all of their profits in the process – highly unlikely! I’m sure their list of partners and their shareholders would love to hear that they have plans to invest in a new economic system that will make them no money. So again, logic would indicate that they plan on this “great reset” being profitable for them. However, they have to sell it to the public as a global crusade for the good of humanity otherwise countries citizens would likely get pissed off at the prospect of their tax dollars being syphoned off to be used in foreign investment schemes that are slapped with a “climate change” or a “gender studies/equity” sticker to receive their funding.

Friends in High Places

Our government here in Canada is riddled with people that belong to groups organized by the World Economic Forum. Our own Prime Minister himself has come out and said that “this pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset” – echoing the WEF’s Great Reset language. This isn’t surprising when you consider that Prime Minister Trudeau’s Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland is a member of the World Economic Forums Board of Trustees.


According to the WEF, the Board of Trustees which Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is a part of is the “guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission and values.” This bothers me as no Canadian politician should represent any mission or values other than that of Canada’s citizens.

In closing, as our politicians here in Canada try to sell us on the idea of “build back better,” we need to remember that the top parts of our government have direct connections with the World Economic Forum who is advocating for a complete change to capitalism. This forum is partnered with many who have a vested interest in China. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised when our government does radical things that attempt to achieve this radical vision.

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Published by Greg Staley

Greg Staley is a husband and a father to 4 beautiful girls. He is the owner of Diverge Media and takes pride in telling the stories that matter - even if they may be unpopular. In addition to writing, editing, and producing videos and articles for Diverge, Mr. Staley also works full-time on a farm. Mr. Staley is working hard to be able to pursue Diverge Media full-time and wholeheartedly believes that it will become a reality in the near-future with the support of the readers/viewers of Diverge Media.

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