Quoting Bible could soon become a crime in Canada

By: Greg Staley

Written On: 2024-03-31

bill brought forward in the House of Commons by the Leader of the Bloc Québécois, Yves-Francois Blanchet would mean the end of religious freedom in Canada if passed.

The bill brought forward by the leader of the Bloc Québécois seeks to amend the Criminal Code to eliminate religion as an exemption for the “wilful promotion of hatred.”

Under current laws, you can express an opinion on homosexuality or abortion based on what the Bible teaches but under this new legislation that protection would be stripped.

This would mean that quoting the bible could be seen as the “wilful promotion of hatred” and that doing so could be deemed a criminal offence under hate speech laws in the criminal code.

In other words, if this bill passes, Christians could face up to two years in prison for quoting the Bible.

Canadian Criminal Code

 When we consider the Liberal government’s proposal (Bill C-63) of defining hate speech as any speech that is “likely to foment detestation or vilification of any individual or group of individuals,” it doesn’t take much imagination to envision the criminalization of quoting the Bible.

We shouldn’t be surprised however. Totalitarian and authoritative states have always hated religion and attempted to silence it. That’s because, in repressive government systems, the state ideology must always reign supreme over everything else.

In today’s society, the ideology that reigns supreme is that of the woke radical. Woke radicals have an agenda that loves abortion and anything to do with the radical LGBTQ community – so why not criminalize the Bible that challenges it?

Christianity quite frankly, is a pain in the side of the woke radicals and therefore must be silenced. I want to think this Bill won’t pass, but when we have a Prime Minister who banned his MPs from being pro-life – I don’t hold out much hope.

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Published by Greg Staley

Greg Staley is a husband and a father to 4 beautiful girls. He is the owner of Diverge Media and takes pride in telling the stories that matter - even if they may be unpopular. In addition to writing, editing, and producing videos and articles for Diverge, Mr. Staley also works full-time on a farm. Mr. Staley is working hard to be able to pursue Diverge Media full-time and wholeheartedly believes that it will become a reality in the near-future with the support of the readers/viewers of Diverge Media.

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