Digital ID, touchless borders and Canada’s partnership with the World Economic Forum

Touchless borders and a digital ID in Canada in our near future sounds like something out of a dystopian sci-fi thriller – unfortunately, it’s all too real and no one seems to be paying any attention.

As the “I support the thing” crowd chases whatever new narrative the media dangles in front of them, the most pressing issues of our time aren’t being discussed. In an age where much of the global populace has access to information at the touch of a screen, why haven’t people grasped the concept that governments around the world are seeking to make major changes in their day-to-day lives?

*Opinion* “The Great Reset” World Economic Forum Influence in Canada

In speaking about Covid-19, Klaus Schwab, the creator of the World Economic Forum said “the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.”

“The Big Reset” means higher taxes and less services for Newfoundlanders

Detailed in the report from Premier Andrew Furey’s Economic Recovery Team report is an extensive list of recommendations to reduce the debt load of the province and many of the solutions mean higher taxes for Newfoundlanders. “The most urgent task assigned by the Premier was to review the financial state of the province and recommend actions to improve the fiscal situation.”

The Great Reset – Liberals, Conservatives, NDP all involved and seem to be working together towards SDG’S

The following is a Diverge Media investigative piece.

The Great Reset – they only pretend to care

World Economic Forum – The Great Reset; “I think that your seeing the sort of mainstream media institutions become a bit more confident about trying to set the national agenda, trying to establish priorities that they think are the priorities rather than simply reacting to what’s happening on social media.“ “People do realize these are issues in leadership (emphasis), politicians are focusing on climateContinue reading “The Great Reset – they only pretend to care”

The Great Reset — How the elite plan to use COVID to change everything

I refuse to act like I have no choice in the future. I refuse to be silent. I will speak boldly on the dystopian plans the elite have for humanity — and I won’t apologize either.