Dr. Steven Innocente speaks out against PCR testing at Stratford NML protest

At a ‘No More Lockdowns’ protest in Stratford on Sunday, April 25, several doctors spoke out.

One of those doctors — Steven Innocente, spoke out on PRC testing and the issues with it.

Dr. Innocente has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and studied genetics and cancer at McMaster University. After receiving his doctorate, he moved to Edinburgh, Scotland to study yeast for ten years. He then returned to Kitchener-Waterloo to open his own microbrewery called Innocente Brewing Company.

Health Canada approves portable Covid testing device – gives results in under 90 minutes

On September 25th, 2020 Health Canada granted approval for the Hyris bCUBE to be used for COVID-19 human testing. It had previously been used for surface testing. The press release by Songbird Life Science, the exclusive distributor of the Hyris bCUBE said that “this timely approval arrives as Canadians face rising COVID-19 cases and it supports the testing capabilities of provincial programs to meet demand.

The Great Barrington Declaration — three points of contention

Diverge Columnist, Greg Staley argues the three points of contention he has with The Great Barrington Declaration which expresses grave concerns about the physical and mental impacts of current COVID policies.

Click to read more.

Where’d the Flu go? — 2020 the year influenza almost disappeared

COVID-19 — It’s so big and bad it made the influenza numbers drop to their lowest in almost a decade! Yes, you heard that right — influenza reports show that we have the lowest numbers that have been seen in the past nine seasons.

STALEY: The playbook — understanding the mechanisms of control being used during COVID

Staley writes:

“So who will answer the call? Who will have the courage to stand — even when people rise up against them? The blunt truth of the matter is this — the future of our nations depends on our collective actions today. We must stand together and especially behind those intellectuals who beckon the call to speak up about the truth and demand accountability from those in power.”

We have rights – time to exercise them

Staley: “So if I’m understanding this correctly, everything they’re telling us is “mandatory” and “law” is still subject to the Canadian Bill of Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?”